What does "wide" mean in English?
"Wide" is an adjective in the English language that describes something that has a considerable or extensive distance from one side to another. It indicates a broad or spacious area or object.
What are some examples of things that can be described as wide?
Many things can be described as wide. Here are a few examples:
- A wide smile: This refers to a smile that extends from one side of the face to the other, indicating a large display of happiness or joy.
- A wide road: This describes a road that has multiple lanes or a generous width, allowing for the smooth flow of traffic.
- Wide hips: Refers to a person"s hips that have a greater width or broader shape compared to the average.
Can "wide" describe emotions or feelings?
Yes, "wide" can be used to describe emotions or feelings. For example, someone may experience a wide range of emotions, indicating that they feel a broad spectrum of different emotional states. Similarly, a person may have wide interests, indicating that they have a broad range of hobbies or areas of focus.
What is the opposite of "wide"?
The opposite of "wide" is "narrow." While "wide" describes a large or extensive distance between two sides, "narrow" describes a small or limited distance between two sides. For example, a narrow path is a pathway that is not wide and has limited space.
Is "wide" only used to describe physical objects?
No, "wide" can also be used in a figurative sense to describe non-physical concepts or ideas. For example, someone may have a wide knowledge or wide experience, indicating that they possess a broad range of knowledge or have encountered a diverse range of experiences.